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Lap Tufted Wedge Reading Pillow

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Lap Tufted Wedge Reading Pillow

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Lap Tufted Wedge Reading Pillow


Our new stylish Tufted Wedge Reading Pillow is a must with back support for reading and watching tv. The pillow sides and back has pockets to store your phones, remotes, ipads, reading materials, and sleeping masks. The pillow has multiple uses with its wedge shape: you can put your laptop on top of it, read your ipad, books or magazines on it. It is a great head rest, back rest, and foot rest that can be used on a bed, sofa, or even on the floor.

This Lap Tufted Wedge Reading Pillow is in a luxurious orange velvet on a linen-like background with the dimensions of 20”Lx20”Hx8” on the bottom. It is a triangular wedge shape, so that the pillow is slanted for you to read and do work on it. Dragon 88 Trademark

The pillow cover can be removed to clean by unzipping the bottom zipper, unbuttoning the buttons on both sides and then pulling the cover off. After cleaning you can stuff the insert in, button the buttons through the button holes and then zip the bottom.

Pricing includes shipping.

Styling Items: Laptop, Phones, Ipads, Remotes, Books, Magazines, Masks Not Included

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SKU: 2205
Fabric Content: 100% Polyester
Dimensions: 20”Lx20”Hx8”W
Color: Natural/Orange
Insert: Blow Fill 100% Polyester
Care Instructions: Dry Cleaning Recommended or Wash Cold Gentle, Air Dry

The pillow cover can be removed by unzipping bottom zipper. You can carefully unbutton the buttons through the buttonholes on each side. The buttons are sewn into the fill insert on both sides. You can then pull the cover off. After cleaning, you can stuff the fill insert into the cover and put the button into the button hole on each side and then zip up the bottom.