Our goal is to deliver your purchase as quickly as possible. Every item is handcrafted domestically, so most orders take 1-2 weeks. In the case of backordered items your shipping invoice will reflect which items are pending and they will be shipped to you as soon as they become available, therefore items ordered together may not always be shipped together. The exact shipping cost for your order will be added and displayed at checkout.
All orders are subject to availability. If your order can not be filled because the raw materials are out of stock, you will be notified via email or phone and the item will be taken off of your order.
* Please note that Two Day and Overnight Delivery refers only to delivery time and not to the time needed to prepare your order. While most orders are ready for shipping within 1-2 weeks of ordering, some orders take additional time.
*All shipping prices apply only to the contiguous 48 states additional charges will apply on deliveries to Alaska and Hawaii.
Any questions regarding your shipment may be e-mailed to customerservice@dragon88.com.