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Filtering by Tag: covid 19 masks

Mask Up In Style!

Kiyo Ohara

Embossed Snake, Neon Pink, Spice Brown, Nudes Are IN!

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Our cloth filter masks have been selling out to the community and aiding local Los Angeles sewers. Our filter masks are unique with a layer of knit, filter fabric, and a cotton liner that provides an extra layer of protection. The masks are easy to wash by hand or machine wash in a gentle cycle and air dry. The demand has been high and we currently use fabrics that are available locally and we hope to constantly expand the style offerings. We are offering an Large mask that has longer straps for broader faces. Youth masks are coming.

These masks are being offered at cost to aid local sewers and contractors with pricing based on two layers of fabric, the filter fabric, labor costs, packaging, Priority Shipping, and credit card processing fees.

These are not N95 masks yet they form a protective barrier and are being offered so that the medical supply masks are not depleted to first responders. Please use these filter masks with the guidelines provided by the CDC to wash your hands, wear protective masks outside, and practice social distancing.