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Filtering by Tag: momcoat

Dragon 88 Jetsetter Smart Coats

Kiyo Ohara

Dragon 88 debuts its new venture of Jetsetter Smart Coats on Kickstarter coming soon! These gorgeous fashion coats are in luxury fabrics that are durable and washable. The coats are wardrobe friendly and work with a person's casual, work, and out-on…

Dragon 88 debuts its new venture of Jetsetter Smart Coats on Kickstarter coming soon! These gorgeous fashion coats are in luxury fabrics that are durable and washable. The coats are wardrobe friendly and work with a person's casual, work, and out-on-the-town style. The special features are the sleeve phone pocket that has a touch sensitive screen for easy access. Earbuds are easily positioned in the neck of the coat and wired through openings to all pockets inside and outside of the coat. The 8 pockets in the coat are in varying depths and zip shut to secure your items, so you won't lose them, when you lay your coat down in an airport bin, chair, or on a hotel bed. It is the perfect coat for the creative professional on-the-go, the global fashion traveler, and the busy Mom.