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Filtering by Tag: notorious rbg

Vote With Pride! Notorious RBG Masks!

Kiyo Ohara

Our Notorious RBG masks is a digital knit print with filter, nose piece, and adjustable straps.

Dragon 88 offers woven and knit masks with a polyester filter layer to help filter the air. This is not a N95 medical mask yet has protection with an exterior knit fabric, an inner filter layer used to help filter out allergens, bacteria, and viruses and lined with cotton. These cloth masks will also provide an alternative without depleting the medical masks needed for Medical personnel on the front line. Production is done with Los Angeles sewing teams working safely at home or in social distanced spaces that are living from paycheck to paycheck. We are selling these masks as close to cost to help in the protection of our communities and to aid local sewing teams

Dragon 88 is now tasked with creating masks for Hospitality and other businesses getting ready to open. We are a design studio that creates and makes signature looks for companies mainly in hospitality: hotels, restaurants, and spas. We started the mask endeavor April 2nd to “mask” the community and it sold out in twenty minutes on our site. We have continued to meet the consumer demand for masks and we will now commit to helping local businesses and companies across the nation have masks for their personnel and customers.

Business Quotes: For bulk quantities and/or custom design masks, please feel free to email us at: or call at (310) 474-8931.